I'm furious. No, insanely livid. Although I wish I wasn't, that doesn't change what I'm feeling at this very moment. I've calmed down a bit to be writing this, obviously, but my hands are still shaking and my blood is still boiling over. Instead of plotting murder or dwelling on rages of hate and bad thoughts, I've decided to be more productive and write. Strange thing to do, really. As if it'll calm me down. Maybe it will. Just like it is impossible to stay awake when dozing off in class, emotion is a switch I just can't turn off. People talk about it as if everyone deals with emotions the same way. It really isn't like that at all. Anger, hate, love, sadness, pity, happiness, jealousy - when its there, its there. I may feel the same general emotions, but the way I deal with it each time is different, what more compared to other individuals.
Like how emotions (especially extreme sadness and anger) still linger strongly even after the sleep is over and dreams are forgotten.
The process of distracting my mind to form words and sentences from thoughts seem to be helping a wee bit, but by just that little much.
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