Saturday, September 27, 2008


As usual, I ate M&Ms today. There were 88 M&Ms in one of the many packets I had. That was how bored I got.

Few days later, I ate more M&Ms. One packet had 22, another had 24, another had 17(!!), and another, 18. Swindlers.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

of all things cool.

my mum owns and uses an ipod. she can also listen to songs with swear words without wincing. she sms-es pretty fast. we communicate using email. she sends me e-cards. she has and uses MSN Messenger, although i'd never wanna add her to my friends list. but God bless the day she facebooks. thn, i'd know i've seen all things possible.

and oh, by the way, i am practically a carbon copy of her. how cool is that!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

back to basics.

Within the one month here at Purdue, I have developed my worst wake-up moment. Its just like a nightmare, except it happens the moment I open my eyes in the morning. Every morning I jolt awake wondering if I missed my 7:30 am class, AGAIN. Sometimes, I am right though. That totally makes my day.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


dammit! i missed class today, again. and it has only been 3 weeks.

why is so hard to do stuff i don't like? maybe i should just brush up on my guitar and piano, thn hit the streets. you never know what life would surprise you with.

Monday, September 15, 2008

it's dinnertime.

sisters always make you feel better. especially when you're thinking of quitting, and thinking of the consequences, and thinking that maybe you had a reason to stay, and maybe you were meant for something else, and maybe its just a journey you have to get on with. sisters give you the simplest options to along with life and whatever you're looking at. when you're depressed, they somehow manage to look on the bright side and so you smack your head and think 'why didnt i think of that before?'. they make you laugh your heads off although you were just feeling the downest of down just a minute ago. they are always there, even if you're smiling to the world and crying inside. even if everyone else seems so far away. they're always there. well, most of the time.

Friday, September 12, 2008

english 101.

you know what i miss about malaysia?
being able to converse with different people in different languages. most of all, being diverse.
im starting to get tired of english, well, american english that is.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


early to bed, early to rise.
early to class, everything's nice.

shivering to school
sweating to class
everything's cool
if i'd just take the bus.

silly i know, im just bored, and hungry (as usual).