Thursday, February 21, 2013

the sky's the limit

I am at the age where friends all around are starting their careers - with some already inching their way up the corporate ladder.

Thus, I hear a lot of complains about work hours, crazy bosses, annoying colleagues, and most of all, how work life sucks.

There are also the handful, fresh graduates or otherwise, who have a hobby or talent, fueled by a burning passion - photography, writing, or a specific business idea. It's always a dilemma whether to be like the masses, and work a corporate job where you might end up being stuck in a rut but with a stable source of income, or to take multiple leaps of faith, and follow your heart.

To them, I always say the same thing: Chase your dreams with determination and purpose. Go as far as your ambition can take you. Do whatever it takes to make it happen.

Because you have the gift of passion. Most of the rest of us don't.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

morning musings

Curiosity kills the cat VS. Ignorance is bliss.

Which is more potent?

In one story, the cat dies anyway, and in the other, the fool lives on. Both equally tragic IMO.

However, the cat might have caught the grenade that was meant for someone else, thus giving up its own life on behalf of another innocent soul who would have been victim to this senseless killing, and maybe in this case, the long-living fool.

Nothing is ever right or wrong, yes or no, black or white anymore. All you have is a vast grey sea and your common sense to guide you home.

Doesn't make it any easier, dammit.