Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Fear is strong. It holds you back, ties you up in chains, and consumes you.

The uncertainty, and speculations, and the denials..

The more you try to surpress it, the more it grows. Bigger and bigger till it becomes a ghost of your imagination, lurking in the darkest corners of your mind. Obsession.

And then, you try running. With each step away, it gets closer. Sometimes, just like a game of hide and seek, you stand still and count till 10; when you open your eyes, it is no longer there. It is gone, you think.

But it's there all right, in that sweet hiding spot, just waiting to be found.

I've always thought that the best way to counter my fears is to turn around and look it straight in the eyes without flinching. Stare it down, charge forward, and immerse in it, till it is no longer your master. Till it no longer controls you. Till it is nothing but a fading memory. Eventually, you'll find that Fear really wasn't so big after all.

Fear: Face it, until there's nothing left to face.

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